Client / Distriktstandvården
Project / Dental clinic
Deliverables / Strategy / Interior design / Layout / Lighting / Facade concept / Signage
Location / Solna Centrum
Photos / Stellan Herner
”Jag tycker att vi har lyckats med att ge tandvården
ett helt nytt uttryck. Ett besök hos oss ska vara trevligt
och minnesvärt” /Ibbe Gnem, VD
How to turn a dental visit from something you feel uncomfortable about, or almost fear,
into something much more relaxed and at ease? Something you actually treat yourself to
– I´m worth a teeth whitening!
The whole concept for the new flagship clinic in Solna Centrum aims to turn the customer experience
from the common hospital-like expression, that not seldom brings anxiety, into an ambience that
emphasizes and focuses on the well-being aspect. The concept is all about playing down but with
kept reliability.
And since the location is in a shopping mall the concept also contains smart digital communication
solutions such as digital screens in storefront showing next available time. This to enable spontaneous
visits and to lower the barrier.
”Jag tycker att vi har lyckats med att ge tandvården ett helt nytt uttryck. Tandvården behöver
inte nödvändigtvis vara ett nödvändigt ont. Ett besök hos oss ska vara trevligt och minnesvärt.
Jag tror att det nya konceptet kan bidra till just det.”
Ibbe Gnem, VD
Further facts / Distriktstandvården is a Swedish dental company established in 2010. The company
has more than 30 clinics in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Uppsala.