Client / Elon
Project / Retail concept
Collaborators / Concept developed by Studio Peter Lundbergh in collaboration with Studio Cilla
Deliverables / Strategy / Retail concept / Layout / Lighting
Contractor / ITAB
Photos / Stellan Herner
“Butikerna har ökat omsättningen med i genomsnitt 30%”
The Swedish white goods chain Elon with its 500 stores around Scandinavia has opened its first stores with a brand-new retail concept.
The chain has finally found its home in a warm and inspiring interior where the customer can touch and feel the products in a homey surrounding.
A traditional home consists of different rooms and so does the new store concept. This is totally new thinking regarding store layout where the
hero products are presented in open inspiring rooms such as The Kitchen, The Bathroom, The Laundry Room etc. This layout allows the customer
to interact with the products in a much more curated and inspiring way. Along the back walls one can find the full range of products and packaging
on display.
A neutral colour palette with touches of wood surfaces/details, carpets, fabrics, as well as lighting with both spotlights and pendants work to create
a homey backdrop to the products within the store. At the center of the new concept a coffee bar is designed to encourage laid-back interaction
between the shopper and Elon staff. The new Elon store is also connected to the on-line store by smart touch screens close to every room.
Here the customer can access and be guided through the full product range: order today and pick-up in store tomorrow! Welcome home to Elon.
“Från början tyckte jag att det lät lite flummigt med egna rum men när jag såg ritningarna med 3D-bilder sa det pang i huvudet.
Slutprodukten är mycket bättre än vad jag någonsin trodde att den skulle bli. Det går inte att jämföra med den gamla butiken.
Medarbetarna kommer hit med ett leende och går hem med ett leende.”
Stefan Englund, butiksägare Elon Nyköping
Elon Group reports a 30% sales increase in stores where the new concept is implemented.
Elon was awarded Retailer Of The Year 2020 – 2021 within appliances